

Pupusas de Queso
 Pupusas recordan de muchas alimentos. Yo veo alrededor el mundo. La primera pupusa fue hacen alrededor 1500-1200 BC por los Pipil tribus. Estos personos estàn encuentra en Amèrica Central en El Salvador. Pupusas tienen sincello ingredientes. Masa (maìz harina), agua, y queso estàn todos los ingredientes. Maìz està utilizdoa  menudo en comida de central y Sur Amèrica . Pupusas estan servido en El Salvador y otros paìses, y en pupuserìas alrededor el EEUU. Pupuserìas estàn  en el EEUU y Canadà y ellos venden pupusas. Pupusas estàn la comida nacional de El Salvador porque ellos hacen fue alrededor desde principio de tiempo.

Càrtel de Drogas
Mier es una ciudad en Mèxico cercano a la frontera de los E.E.U.U. Esta ciudad es ahora casi vacìa porque de la lucha. Los dos càrtels de drogas, Golfo Càrtel y Zetas, luchan para control de la ruta de drogas en los E.E.U.U. Los residentes huìan la ciudad después la lucha que expulsaba ellos. Porque de los combates muchas personas tenían que huir a ciudads en los E.E.U.U. El gobierno de Mèxico es constantemente luchando los cartels, pero el que sigue va. Todos los dias la lucha crece y el final no està en el sitio. Todo esto luchando entre los cartels muestra cùantas drogas èstan entrando los E.E.U.U. Yo pienso el luchando no va a para hasta los E.E.U.U. no necesitan drogas.

Word Bank

Ciudad—town mier – town in mexico
La guerra – war
Luchar – fight
De drogas – drug
E.E.U.U. – USA
Frontera – border
Càrtel – cartel

1.        "Mexico’s Drug War Ghost Towns." FrumForum. Web. 13 May 2011. <>.
2.     Express-News." San Antonio News, Weather, Sports, Spurs, Breaking | Express-News | - San Antonio Express-News. Web. 18 May 2011. <>.
3.      Ballí, By Cecilia. "Ghost Town :: Texas Monthly." Texas Monthly: the National Magazine of Texas. Web. 18 May 2011. <>.

Our current project in Spanish this year is writing, filming, and publishing a telenovela. Telenovelas are Spanish soap operas that usually last about 160 episodes compared to American soap operas that can last years and years and years. Another key difference is that telenovelas contain much more drama to the point that it can be a little ridiculous, but this also makes them very comical to watch. My group’s telenovela is titled “El Ladron de Diamantes”, which translates to “The Diamond Thief”. The plot of our novela is as follows. A rich man named Rico buys a bunch of diamonds to put in his house, so one day he brings them home, and puts them on the counter. Later that day his daughter, Eleri, has her boy friend, Mapache, over for a little bit. When Eleri isn’t in the room Mapache sees the beautiful diamonds and wants them, so he takes them and leaves. When Rico sees that the diamonds are gone, he instantly accuses Mapache, and goes to get them back. After a little tussle at Mapache’s house Rico gets his diamonds back and everything is good after that.
We did our novela in Voice Thread, an online story book program, so all of the pages are below.
Página # Uno

Rico llega a su casa de la joyería. El tiene los diamantes en mano.

Página # Dos

Eleri está comiendo su almuerzo cuándo entra Rico. Ella dice qué Mapache va a venir en un ratito.

Página # Tres

Mapache entra dramaticamente a la casa de Eleri. Dice- mi amor- y eleri responde con cariňo -Mapache, te quiero tanto- ¡Se abrazan y Mapache se ve a los diamantes! Rapidamente Mapache dice - tengo mucho hambre- Eleri responde- ¡Sí mi amor! ¡Un ratito! Ella se va a preparar la comido.

Página # Cuatro

Mapache - ¡OOOOO! ¡ Quiero estos diamantes!- Mapache conciencia - ¡Sí hombre! Toma los diamantes muy bonito.- Mapache siniestromente- ¡Aqui voy!- Mapache empuja los diamontes en sus bolsillos y corre.

Página # 5

Mapache camina a escondidas de la casa de su novia Eleri.

Página # 6
Él se va a su casa con los diamantes en mano. Él entra a su casa barata.

Página # 7

Está muy felíz y orgulloso de sí mismo por haber robado los diamantes.

Página # 8

Rico no está  feliz. Los diamantes desaparecieron.

Página # 9

Rico camina a la casa de Mapache.

Página # 10

Rico entra la casa, y agarra los diamantes. Rico mata a Mapache.

La Tomatina
                On the last Wednesday of August every year since 1944 Valincia, Spain is the home to the worlds largest tomato fight. This isn’t just a little food fight; I’m talking over 30,000 people from around the world, and 150,000 tomatoes! There is a small entry fee, and all earnings go to the American Cancer Society. So if you can imagine in your head a classic school food fight with spaghetti, just multiply that by around 10,000 to get the picture of what Valincia looks like that day.
                This all started back in 1944, when a group of kids decide that since they weren’t in the parade that was going down the street, they were just going to start a riot. There was a vegetable stand nearby, so the young men went and started using the tomatoes as weapons. Now in the “first recorded brawl” it was exactly that, a brawl, that day and every time after that till the ‘50s, the police would have to come and break up the “party”. In 1950 the council allowed the party to happen, but it was disallowed the year after. Finally in 1957 the town allowed La Tomatina to happen, and it only got better form there.
                Even though this sounds like a mindless tomato brawl, there are actually some rules and guidelines. First, you can begin when the siren sounds at around eleven that morning, and only then, and you have to stop pretty much exactly one hour later when the siren sounds again. Second, the tomatoes must be crushed, so they don’t hurt anyone, but I’m not sure what they mean by this. There are more rules than this, but I was not able to find a English version.
                The events of the day go as follows. At 10:00 that morning a pole with a ham on top of it is greased up and raised in the “battlegrounds”. After the pole is up, people proceed to attempt to climb to the top and get the ham, and this usually takes a while. As the people are climbing a crowd is gradually growing and people are dancing and singing. At around 11:00 is when the horn usually goes off and the fight begins, around a hour later, the horn sounds again, and the fight is over.  Now the process of cleaning begins with people hosing themselves off with hoses neighbors provide, or going to the river or baths. After this fire trucks come through and blast off the streets. Due to the high acidity of tomatoes, the fight actually leaves the streets shiny clean and disinfected, so the fight does serve somewhat of a purpose.
                So if you ever are feeling like getting COVERED in tomatoes, just hop across the pond over to Spain and join just one of many parties that they have. But you are being warned, intense redness may occur after the event is finished.